Mahina Y. | BlueStamp Engineering

Mahina Y.

IoT MailBox For Gmail

This is a small mailbox that notifies you when a new email comes in.
Engineer School Area of Interest Grade
Mahina Y.
Henry M. Gunn High School
Software Engineering
Rising Senior


My first milestone was setting up the IDE and being able to move the servo motor using potentiometer. ESP32 board, potentiometer, servo motor, breadboard, and jumper wires were used to connect everything together. First, I had to learn how breadboard works – how each row and column is connected, and positives and negatives. After learning how it works, I had to set up Arduino and the IDE to check that both of them works, then test the potentiometer by connecting both to the breadboard. Learning basic things allowed me to start on the project – connecting ESP32 board with the potentiometer and servo motor. I had to becareful with the pin locations or the code won’t work. After wiring all parts together, I coded so rotation of potentiometer can also rotate the servo motor in 0 to 180 degrees.


My second milestone was to set up Zapier to integrate the gmail. At first, I had to set up Adafruit, which was to connect Arduino IDE and Zapier. For Adafruit, it was simple because you only had to sign up and get an active key. For Zapier, it took more time than Adafruit. I had to integrade a gmail account to take datas of gmail, and create a feed to select dates of gmail. After zapier was setted up, I moved onto Arduino setup next. Libraries had to be installed, and also the set up of network configuration. The important part in config is to set the username and key I got from Adafruit, so it’ll take the information from the feed. After everything was setted up, I started coding. Setting up the pins, decide the degrees of flag, and get the data.


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